SalesOrder Classes and Tables: SalesTableType and SaleslineType classes will get called while creating the SalesOrders . SalesFormLetter_Confirm SalesFormLetter_Invoice SalesFormLetter_PackingSlip SalesFormLetter_PickingLlst classes will be used to post the sales order at various document status ( packing, invoice etc). Tables: SalesTable contains all SalesOrder headers regardless whether they have been posted or not. The SalesParmTable and SalesParmLine contains detailed information regarding posting sales headers and Lines. CustConfirmJour and CustConfirmTrans tables contains all Sales Confirmation headers and Lines posted in Dynamic Ax originating from Sales Orders and Lines. CustPackingSlipJour and CustPackingSlipTrans tables contains all sales PackingSlip headers and Lines posted in Dynamic Ax originating from Sales Orders and Lines. Cus...
.. Vinod Kokkirala